⏰ Mon-Sat 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Meet Our Staff

Our dental staff is back bone of our clinic. Our team is extremely well trained for strict sterilization protocol, they maintain friendly environment with soft skill communication that promote complete another home feel of our clinic.

They help you to understand treatment planning more simplified way conveyed by chief Dentist. They also fulfil all queries to create confidence in patient.

  • ❃ Personalized treatment plans based on your needs
  • ❃ Discussion of our recommendations so you know what to expect
  • ❋ Detailed answers to all your questions to help you feel confident

Meet Dr Uday Pawar
Chief Dental Surgeon

Dr Uday Pawar is graduated from GDC, Mumbai. He is extremely dedicated hard-core clinician practicing since 23yrs.He has mastery in operating dentistry under Microscope with six handed specially Root Canal procedure or failed Root canal cases, however his passion & clinical hand in aesthetic dentistry is truly incomparable as he sculpt composite restorative material so meticulously in decayed tooth adding natural tooth color with special tints which reforms natural anatomy to tooth so beautifully that it becomes difficult for patient to differentiate between restoration & tooth which is shown on TV monitor recorded under Microscopic video.

He believes in preserving maximum tooth structure so that patient can use tooth as complete functional digestive organ. Therefore, he performs minimal tooth cutting under Microscope which is highly recommended for Anterior Veneer cases which gives highly aesthetic look to patient.

Dr Uday radiates passion, sincerity so he ensures to provide gentle & compassionate care with precise excellence.

Dr.Anjum Shaikh
Meet Dr Anjum Shaikh
Associate Dental Surgeon

Dr Anjum is strong backbone of our clinic.

She is resolute hard-core clinician with soft skill communicator to patients. Practicing last 20yrs upgrading with time to time. She has master in Rubber dam application also manages general dentistry under Microscope more confidentially. She manages paediatric dentistry independently with soft caring hand.

Miss Renuka
Meet Renuka
Chief Hygienist & Administrator

Renuka is stand fold of clinic. She is excellent caring administrator as well explains all dental procedure through TV monitor to patient in simplified way. She magically develops long standing bond with patient.

She manages her colleagues very efficiently & maintain good unity of team. She is the chief co-ordinator to schedule the appointment for patients. Kindly contact her on 7038861070 or 0231-2657700.